Be Original. Be Adventurous.
Let's travel the world together

Explore the world with us.
I'll take you on an adventure
I am not absolutely sure where this adventure is going, but I know that it will be fun, and I know we’ll enjoy it. I hope that you are able to come along with me.
I don’t like to say where I’m going because then it turns into a plan, and right now I’m not one to be making plans. I’m enjoying living life as it comes; if I want to stop at something, I’m going to stop. This allows me to go anywhere at any time. (The only thing that I will plan on is holidays with family, and you should too.)
Just promise me and yourself that you’ll get out and try something new this weekend without a plan. Just pick up your keys and make a decision to do something within 20 miles: find a lake, find a hiking path, go sit in a park and watch people.
Sign up for the “CURRENT BITE” at the bottom of the page; maybe I can inspire you along the way.

Follow along on this one because I generally have no idea where I'm really going, and if I do, it will probably change.

Join us in conversations with travelers, cruisers, and just great people to get ideas and inspiration to help overcome obstacles that are standing in your way from living your dream.

You have to check out some of these recipes that I'm making; they're simple enough to cook in a camper with enough flavor to satisfy everyone!
follow along while i write the story.
Take a minute and watch our latest travel adventure captured on video.
Sit down and watch me cook up something delicious.

Go Explore.
Go Geocaching over your next lunch break.
Geocaching is one of the best treasure hunting activities around. It takes out all of the hard part of coming up with adventure ideas. Simply open the app and find a few Geocaches near you.
Find Adventure.
Drive a new route to work.
Go a few blocks out of your way during your morning commute. And on the way home, check out that gallery you’ve been wondering about.

Things I Use.
Latest Instagram Images
follow along while i write the story.
Check out The Latest
Travel leaves you speechless.
Then turns you into a storyteller.
Not everyone writes; not everyone makes videos; but sharing your story with a friend, a relative, or someone you work with gives them hope.
Sharing is caring; you can choose to give at any moment to anyone. It might cause you a little discomfort, but in the end, the return will be great.
Honor your stories and pass them on!